Sunday, April 14, 2019

More New Plants

Greetings from my garden!  The "Oregon Fern" Fullmoon Japanese Maple is leafing up nicely.

 I've got some new leafy friends to introduce today

Beginning in 2016, I've purchased trees and shrubs every spring from ForestFarm at Pacifica.  They've sold me some lovely trees, including my Winterberry holly plants, both of my Japanese Maples, and the Upright Japanese Yew that I accidentally killed last year.  So I'm always excited when the ForestFarm box comes.

First out of the box - the replacement Upright Japanese Yew!

I put it in the same pot where the old Upright Japanese Yew lived.

That pot should look a whole lot better once the "Ghost Lady" fern comes up.  She's always a latecomer, so I'm not worried.

Next up, the Barberry.  Barberries are a native species to this area, which was why they first appealed to me, but this is actually a variety from Nepal known as Jaeschke's Barberry.  It's a thorny little critter, but I think it will make an attractive addition.

I added it to the pot with the new plants from last week.  Barberries come in numerous varieties and colors, so if this one works out, I can see myself adding more.

I'm not sure why I ordered the next one.  It's a maple - not a Japanese maple, but a real grown-up maple.  It doesn't seem completely fair to stick it in a pot.

And finally, the Columnar Chinese Poplar.  You may have noticed that I like tall skinny plants (the Upright Japanese Yew, the Sky Pencil holly).  Here's another one.

I've always liked poplar trees, and I think they do OK in windy conditions.  We'll see!

Next week, we'll take a look at what's coming up.  The short answer: almost everything!

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